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Elevating Education Through Customized Professional Learning Services

Unlock your school's potential with expert-led professional learning.

Contact us for a Needs Assessment



Elevating Education Through Customized Professional Learning Services

Unlock your school's potential with expert-led professional learning.

Contact us for a Needs Assessment

Two photos. In the first a Black male teacher is assisting a young Black female student. In the second photo, a Black female teacher is assisting an older ethnically diverse female student.


Professional Learning Topics

In the previous 18 months, we've conducted 200+ sessions on these topics and more.
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ASCD + ISTE professional learning services provide educators with innovative approaches and tools to design and implement standards-aligned curriculum that promotes deep learning and student engagement.

View the Top PD Sessions
  • Understanding By Design® framework
    (UbD™ Lead: Jay McTighe)
  • Curriculum Audit/Program Review
  • Lesson and Unit Planning
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Curriculum Mapping

Understanding by Design is a registered trademark of Backward Design LLC, and UbD is a trademark of Backward Design LLC.

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ASCD + ISTE professional learning services offer evidence-based instructional strategies and techniques that empower educators to create dynamic and student-centered learning environments, fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

View the Top PD Sessions
  • Differentiated Instruction
    (Lead: Carol Tomlinson)
  • The Framework for Intentional and Targeted (FIT) Teaching
    (Leads: Doug Fisher & Nancy Frey)
  • Gradual Release of Responsibility
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Assessment and Grading Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
  • Learning Sciences Strategies to Inform Instruction
  • Using Data to Improve Learning Outcomes
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ASCD + ISTE professional learning services focus on developing effective leadership skills and strategies, equipping educational leaders with the knowledge and resources to drive meaningful change, promote instructional excellence, and cultivate a positive school culture.

View the Top PD Sessions
  • Leadership Programs (Principal, Instructional, CAO)
  • Helping Leaders Build Teacher Capacity
  • Instructional Rounds
  • Coaching, Mentoring, and Classroom Observation
  • Team Teaching/Co-Teaching
  • Professional Learning Community (PLC) Development
  • New Teacher Induction Programs To Support Teacher Learning and Growth
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Whole Child,
Culture & Equity

ASCD + ISTE professional learning services prioritize the whole child approach, while promoting a culture of equity and inclusivity. They provide educators with strategies and resources to support the social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development of every student, creating an environment where diversity is celebrated, biases are addressed, and all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

View the Top PD Sessions
  • Whole Child/Whole Educator
  • Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Disrupting Poverty
    (Leads: William Parrett and Kathleen Budge)
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Social-Emotional Learning
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
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ASCD + ISTE professional learning services support educators in effectively integrating instructional technology into their teaching practices, empowering them to leverage digital tools and resources to enhance student engagement, personalize learning, and lead 21st century skills development.

View the Top PD Sessions
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cyber Governance and Data Privacy
  • Using Technology to Increase Student Engagement
  • Blended Learning

Our Faculty

Our 100+ faculty members have years—decades even—of experience, both in schools and in delivering adult professional learning. Tap or click on a featured faculty member's image to learn more about their expertise.

Our Impact

Our Impact




Wilson School District

Wilson School District partnered with ASCD Professional Learning Services (PLS) to take an integrated, student-centered approach to meeting the needs of the whole child. By evaluating data and gaining input across all levels, PLS helped the district develop a strategy focused on supporting students academically, socially, and emotionally.

PLS then provided tailored coaching for putting this philosophy into practice. Educators learned to view challenges through a “whole child lens” and ensure all staff understand their role in nurturing students. The partnership cultivated a culture united by the common purpose of individual student growth.

By working with PLS, the district gained the framework, language, and objectives necessary to drive success.


Partner Schools


Let's Collaborate for Student Success

Our collaborative process begins with a tailored needs assessment to develop customized learning plans. Backed by a data-driven approach, we enable and empower through local capacity building. A hands-on approach with district and school-level teams is provided through embedded support for continuous coaching. Finally, we maintain a consistent and flexible level of communication to guide any refinements to needs and priorities.

We begin every partnership with a deep dive into your unique priorities and challenges by our faculty experts. The needs assessment lays the foundation for us to become a strategic thought partner in strengthening instruction, leadership, technology integration, and more across your system.

Contact us today to discuss your needs.

  • Review data and desired metrics.
  • Understand your specific student, educator, and community needs.
  • Identify current capacity gaps and requirements.
  • Discover leading challenges experienced by leadership, teachers, and staff.
  • Align plans tightly to district strategic priorities and improvement plans.